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  • Writer's pictureEli Z.

Koliada, Danae Sun Goddess

Koliada is the Danae peoples’ Goddess of the sun. They also have a two week long annual festival by the same name for the Winter Solstice. Both the festival and Koliada herself have a deep meaning to the Danae people; they stand for sunlight, warmth, joy, song, dance, and fertility.

Like any peoples' relationship to their deities the Danae have complex beliefs built around their faith in Koliada. From how they build towards the festival, to their rituals of celebration, gift giving, and following work moving into the new year.

Some say that the festival actually begins a month before the actual Winter Solstice. For the entire month leading up to Koliada there is a gift giving tradition. During this time friends and family will give small tokens of their feelings to one another as gifts, these are often nature based presents or crafts, more focused on meaning than value. Many Innatraeans from other lands come during this time to experience the warmth and joy of the Danae people. Craft marketplaces and food vendors are commonplace.

Koliada itself begins on the Winter Solstice and lasts for two weeks. During this time every night is celebrated with bonfires, food and drink, dancing, song, and joy. Many marriages, relationships, and children are also conceived during this time as fertility is a big part of its meaning.

There are rituals that happen during this festival, but most Innatraeans aren't familiar with them, because they're held during the day, and restricted to only the Danae themselves. Rumors of course abound, from them being marriages, to ritual conceptions, sacrifices to the sun goddess, haze flower induced celebrations, or just silent devotions of their faith.

After the two week long festival the Danae go into a time of reflection and seclusion before the work of spring begins. Outsiders are asked to leave and many of Danae who were elsewhere come back home. This is said to be a quiet time of faith and family devotion for them, leading into the new year, and hard work ahead.

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