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  • Writer's pictureEli Z.

Djelem'den (Pedestal of the World, Garden Tower)

Djelem'den is the capital building of The Weavers, and is located on their island nation of Sceotan. But there is much more to this massive ancient tower. The tower is known by many names across Innatraea but the two most common are The Garden Tower, and Pedestal Of The World. These two are an interesting story. 

The Weavers named their tower Djelem'den, which translates to pedestal of the world. The actual origins of this have long since been lost to history. But the tower is eons old, the tallest building on Innatraea, and has been the capital of the Weavers for thousands upon thousands of years. They have always viewed themselves as the rulers of Innatraea. The most powerful wielders of magic, the wealthiest nation, and the most strong politically. This idea translates directly into their belief that Djelem'den is the Pedestal of Innatraea.

Where did the Garden Tower come from? Up close one can see the shining white stone that Djelem'den is made of. From a distance however  Djelem'den appears to be made of greenery. This is because every balcony, of which there are many and they are huge, is covered in trees, fruiting plants, and vegetable gardens. There is ancient magic in place that keeps water flowing in troughs throughout the giant tower, and keeps these gardens growing. So from a distance, the tower appears to be a massive garden. Because of this normal Innatraeans started calling it the garden tower, and the name stuck.

Physically Djelem'den is stunning. From the outside visitors can see the forested balconies, and their many connected stairways, tracing up the tower's length into the sky. The central tower is the size of most other large castles just on its own, but tall enough that its top is said to touch the clouds on overcast days. Surrounding the central tower are smaller towers and buildings that form a concentric ring-like pattern around the central tower, each of these buildings then eventually connects into a larger circular wall. This wall is actually a building onto itself and contains wings of rooms, and hallways. Here too one can find forested gardens, fountains, parks, and the island's goddess grove.

Most unique however, especially to builders who come to witness Djelem'den's majesty, is that no one knows how the tower was built. There are no seams, it never needs repair, and it's too tall. No one, outside of The Weavers, understands what secrets this ancient massive tower hides. But every Innatraean who sets foot inside of Djelem'den can feel the eons of history and power it represents, they are often struck silent or brought to tears.

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